2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
展出产品名: 古膳纤维(原味、牛奶味、芝麻味)
展出产品名: 古膳纤维(原味、牛奶味、芝麻味)
桂林古膳食品科技有限公司,位于风景秀丽的桂林市经济与技术开发区园区, 依照人类原始农耕文明食物特征和现代平衡膳食原理,以《中国居民膳食指南》推 荐的平衡食谱为指导,精心打造由谷、豆、薯类纤维组成的复合膳食纤维补充剂— 古膳纤维,用以纠正粗粮摄入不足引发的纤维失衡态势,充分满足肠道健康的纤维 需求。
Ancientino food science and technology co., LTD., located in the beautiful scenery of Guilin Economic and Technological Development Zone, according to the original agricultural civilization characteristics and modern principles of a balanced diet,following the balanced diet recommended by Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, elaborately create a mixed dietary fiber supplement : Ancientino composed of grain, bean, and underground storage organs, to fully meet the fiber needs of intestinal health.
补充古膳纤维,结合日常摄入丰富的果蔬纤维,我们就等同于恢复了纤维种类 齐全的古膳食,为重建生理功能完整的古膳肠道微生态,重塑物竞天择胜出的健康 体质创造了机会,它为以肠道菌群调节作为干预靶点的系列慢性病治疗方案,提供 了便捷而有效的新手段。
Supplying Ancientino, combined with the daily intake of abundant fruit and vegetable fiber, we are equivalent to restoring the Paleo diet model with complete fiber.It creates an opportunity to rebuild the intestinal micro-ecology of Paleo diet with complete physiological functions, and to reshape the physical health selected by natural evolution. It provides a convenient and effective means for the therapy of a series of chronic diseases usinggut microbiota as the intervention target, and brings a new hope for health
Chronic diseases in which Ancientino has been used as an adjunct to significantly improve treatment outcomes include:
缓解与控制银屑病Alleviation and control of psoriasis
银屑病患者服用“古膳纤维”,能消除皮肤上的鳞片状银屑,有效缓解病症, 持续服用可长期维持疗效。
Psoriasis patients taking Acientino can eliminate the scaly silver on the skin, andrelieve psoriasis symptoms. Continuous use can maintain the effect for a long time.
延缓肾衰竭发展进程Delay the progression of renal failure
肾衰竭患者服用“古膳纤维”,能显著降低血清尿素,尿酸等毒素水平,有效 遏制肾小球过滤率下降趋势,延缓肾衰竭发展进程,推迟肾透析导入时间,改善患 者生活质量。
Patients with renal failure taking Ancientino can significantly reduce serum urea, uric acid, and other toxin levels, effectively curb the decline of glomerular filtration rate, delay the progression of renal failure, delay the introduction of renal dialysis, and improve their quality of life.
Protect and restore the residual lung function of COPD.
慢阻肺患者加服“古膳纤维”,可加速消除咳喘,降低呼吸难度,减少急性加 重发作频次,有效保护和恢复患者残存的肺功能。 Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) additionally taking Ancientino can accelerate the elimination of cough and asthma, reduce the difficulty of breathing, decline the frequency of acute exacerbations, and effectively protect and restore the patient’s remaining lung function 改善心力衰竭症状Improvement of heart failure symptoms 心衰患者加服“古膳纤维”,能改善心率失常,呼吸困难,乏力等心衰症状, 显著提高生活质量。 Heart failure patients additionally taking Acientino can improve their heart failure symptoms such as arrhythmia, dyspnea, fatigue, and significantly improve their quality of life. 为学龄前儿童改善便秘,增强免疫功能 Help preschool children to improve constipation, enhance immune function 学龄前儿童补充古膳纤维,能有效缓解便秘,改善肺部免疫功能,增强抵御呼 吸道病毒感染能力,减少感冒高烧的困扰。 Preschool children taking Ancientinocan effectively relieve their constipation, improve the lung immune function, enhance the ability to resist respiratory virus infection, reduce the trouble of cold and high fever 改善糖尿病并发症Improve diabetes complications 古膳纤维作为辅助手段,可显著改善血糖控制质量,减轻糖尿病各种并发症 状,有效提高患者生活质量。 Ancientino, as an adjuvant therapy, can significantly improve the quality of blood glucose control, relieve various complications of diabetes, and effectively improve the quality of life of patients