2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
玉林本草堂中药饮片有限公司为广州至信药业股份有限公司旗下企业,成立于 2009年,地处广西玉林市玉州区岭塘工业园内,是至信药业旗下一家专注于广西周 边地区道地中药材加工和毒性中药饮片生产的中药饮片企业。
广州至信药业股份有限公司是一家二十多年专注于传统中药饮片的“研发-生 产-销售-服务”的民族企业。我们始终坚持“致力精制·信守商誉”企业核心价 值观,坚持选用质量最优质的道地药材,致力于为国民提供优质的精制中药饮片并 把“做至好中药饮片”作为永恒的目标。目前,至信为超过600家医疗机构提供服 务,产品除在国内销售外,也有在香港、澳门以及东南亚国家销售。 至信中药饮片产品品种较为齐全,目前备案生产的饮片有1100多种,品规上万 条,涵盖普通饮片、毒性饮片、绿标饮片及地方草药,基本涵盖了2020版《中国药 典》中收录的主要中药材品种,产品种类丰富,基本能满足临床用药需求。
公司从中药源头、生产炮制、质量检验、包装储存等方面进行全链条的质量控 制。同时,启动了全产业链中药溯源体系建设。通过扫描相应的二维码就可以查询 该批次中药饮片从种植,采收,生产,检验到流通各个环节的信息,实现质量可追 溯。我们生产上运用传统加工炮制工艺结合现代科学生产技术,注重技术创新及改 造,利用物联网技术、人工智能技术、自动化技术及电子感官技术等对中药炮制及 生产过程中的设备进行升级改造,形成一系列核心工艺技术如建立中药饮片柔性自 动化快速生产加工设备、小包装中药饮片高效自动化生产技术等,实现了中药饮片 生产的规范化、规模化、自动化和信息化,充分保证产品的质量。
崇高的理想、坚定的价值观和飞跃的创新是至信高速发展的基石。在这充满挑 战也孕育希望的新经济时代,至信将以科学发展观为指导,义不容辞地担当起中药 饮片行业开拓者的责任。始终把引领行业良性发展、树立行业标杆、发扬中医药国 粹、赢得各界尊重放在企业发展的目标方向。
Yulin Bencaotang Herbal Decoction Pieces Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary ofGuangzhou Zisun Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., established in 2009, located in Lingtang Industrial Park, Yuzhou District, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, and is an en-terprise focusing on the production of toxic herbal decoction pieces and genuine regional drug in the surrounding areas of Guangxi.
Guangzhou Zisun Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. is an ethnic enterprise focusing on the “ R&D-production-sales-service “ of herbal decoction pieces for more than twenty years. We have always adhered to the core values of enterprises of “striving to elaboration adhering to goodwill”, insisted on selecting the best quality genuine regional drug, committed to providing high-quality herbal decoction pieces for the people and taking “producing the bestherbal decoction pieces “ as an eternal goal. Currently we have provided services for more than 600 medical institutions and the products are also sold in Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asian countries in addition to domestic sales.
Our company has a relatively complete variety of herbal decoction pieces. Currently there are more than 1100 kinds of herbal decoction pieces filed for production, with tens of thousands of specifications, covering common herbal decoction pieces, toxic herbal decoction pieces, green-labeled herbal decoction pieces and local herbal decoction pieces, basically covering the main varieties of herbal decoction pieces included in the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China, which can basically meet the needs of clinical medication..
Our company uses the whole industrial chain traditional Chinese medicine traceability system to carry out the whole chain quality control on the procurement, production and processing, quality inspection, packaging and storage of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. By scanning the QR code, the information of herbal decoction from planting, harvesting, production, inspection to circulation can be inquired. We combine with modern scientific production technology in production based on traditional processing technology, focusing more on technological innovation and transformation, using Internet of Things technology, artificial intelligence technology, automation technology and electronic sensory technology to upgrade and transform the equipment in the processing and production process of traditional Chinese medicine, and form a series of core technologies, such as the establishment of flexible automatic rapid production and processing equipment for herbal decoction pieces, small packaging herbal decoction efficient automatic production technology, etc. Now we have built up the standardization, scale, automation and informatization of herbal decoction pieces production, and fully ensure the quality of products. The lofty ideals, firm values and leapfrog innovation are the cornerstones of the rapid development of the company. In this new economic era full of challenges and hope, we will be duty-bound to assume the responsibility of pioneers of herbal decoction industry under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development. We have always taken leading the benign development of the industry, establishing industry benchmarks, carrying forward the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine and being a respectable company as the objectives of enterprise development.